Our Machine Shop
The Ticktin Timbers Machine Shop is equipped with a range of specialised machines that make it possible for us to manufacture customised products to our client’s exact requirements. We are not affected by load shedding as our operations are continually powered by a generator.
Our team of skilled machinists includes experienced members with many years in the industry as well as young operators that are eager to learn. Together, we are able to work under pressure to meet our deadlines, offering short turnaround times for most of our products.
From dock cradles used for holding large ships to special moulds for your cladding, no customer or order is too big or too small for us.
Rotary Press
Our new Holytek Rotary Press has increased productivity and enabled us to increase output from laminations, giving us opportunity to explore new avenues of manufacture.
With the help of our powerful Centauro bandsaw and imported carbide-tipped Lennox blades from the USA, we are able to deep-cut timber down to 3-4mm thick with a 0.9mm kerf - allowing us to maximise timber utilisation.
Slab Flattening
Our Woodmizer Slab Flattener is designed to handle the very largest slabs - up to 200mm thick by 1.5m wide x 5m long. With the added sanding attachment we can then sand the slab up to 120 grit.
We have two Rod Machines that are capable of making rods from 15 to 50mm on the one and from 70 to 140mm on the other. Due to the method we can produce lengths up to 4.8 to 5m long for hand rails and other applications.
Our newly installed 6 Head Weinig Moulder is capable of producing complex mouldings in one pass at high speed. With a vast library of profile cutters, we can produce large runs of skirting, flooring or ceiling boards to your specification, and its easy adjustability makes it a quick jump from one job to the next.
Our other Weinig moulder continues to run faithfully, providing us double the productivity for bulk mouldings.
Heavy-duty Planing
With the help of the trusty Kupfermule four-sided Planer, we are able to tackle big jobs in heavy, large-dimension structural timbers like Garapa and Balau.